News & Updates

What’s with all the ants? How La Nina Is Affecting Ant Populations

ant populations
January 13, 2022 12:00 am

Do you feel like you have been seeing more and more ants, recently? It is not just your imagination. The increase in rain due to La Nina has increased pests all over Australia, and ant populations are no exception. However, you may wonder why the ant population is increasing, since they are not a pest that lays eggs in water.... View Article

Upgrade to SMART Pest Control System

Upgrade to SMART
January 10, 2022 12:00 am

Are you struggling with pest control? While basic forms of pest control can effectively handle some types of pests and some pest infestations, it simply is not the best way to handle your pest problem. Advances in technology have made it possible to target pest control and eliminate the need for dangerous chemicals. The result is safer, more effective pest... View Article

La Nina and Mosquitoes

La Nina and Mosquitoes
January 4, 2022 12:00 am

By now, you probably know that La Nina means we can expect wetter weather. While the number of storms and tropical cyclones are predicted to rise, La Nina is not only linked to weather catastrophes. It is also linked to an overall increase in rainfall and moisture. What does that mean for New Zealanders? Well, depending on exactly where you... View Article

How to Have a Cockroach Free Festive Season

How to Have a Cockroach Free Festive Season
December 9, 2021 12:00 am

Nobody wants unwelcome guests during the holidays, especially roaches! Because roaches are attracted to garbage, refuse, and food droppings, they can make even an immaculate home seem dirty.  They also spread diseases and contaminate food sources.  Keep your home clean and your guests comfortable by eradicating your pests, now. Getting Rid of Cockroaches Starts with Prevention As with most pests,... View Article

Let Us Help You Eliminate Flies This Holiday Season

Let Us Help You Eliminate Flies This Holiday Season
December 7, 2021 12:00 am

Flies are more than annoying pests.  Sure, they bother you by buzzing around, landing on things, and creating a general nuisance.  However, did you know that they can also spread disease?  When flies land on food, they contaminate it and carry diseases like shigellosis, E. coli, cholera, and typhoid fever. So, keeping flies away from your customers and guests is... View Article

Spider Webs Are Not Christmas Decorations

Spider Webs Are Not Christmas Decorations: Keep Eight-Legged Pests Out This Holiday Season
December 1, 2021 12:00 am

Keep Eight-Legged Pests Out This Holiday Season Halloween is long gone. It is time to get rid of those pesky spider webs. Webs One of the most prominent signs of a spider infestation is having multiple spider webs in your home. Spider webs, those sticky silk contraptions spiders create to help them trap their food, can make your house look... View Article

Why Do German Cockroaches Come Back?

german cockroach
November 26, 2021 12:00 am

German cockroaches are out and about this Spring. Unfortunately, they are notoriously difficult to get rid of, which can mean follow-up treatments, especially in the kitchen or other food storage spaces. However, do you know why German cockroaches are so difficult to eradicate? It has to do with a few factors, including abundant food sources, habitat, and life cycle. German... View Article

Bird Proofing- When to Leave It to the Professionals

Bird Proofing
November 22, 2021 12:00 am

Everyone loves looking at birds – from a distance. Up close, these beautiful animals can become a serious nuisance. Their waste is acidic, which can lead to surface corrosion. Not only this, but a large number of birds can also lead to a large amount of waste which is unsightly and can make your home or business appear dirty, even... View Article

Enjoy Your Outdoors Free of Flying Insects this Spring

free of flying insects
November 9, 2021 12:00 am

Enjoy your outdoors this Spring without mosquitoes and flies getting in your way. With the weather warming up, stay free of flying insects with some of Flick’s fantastic treatment options. Keep them from crashing your party! Everyone knows that flies and mozzies are annoying, but did you know they can also be hazardous to your health? Mosquitoes are often considered... View Article

Reopen with Confidence- Keep Your Business Bug Free Year-Round

bug free business
November 1, 2021 4:52 pm

With restaurants and salon doors being closed for so long, you may have unwelcome visitors lingering. As doors finally reopen, have constant  bug-free confidence that your business is protected from moths and cockroaches using our 2-in-1 SMART Sense system. Pests are a severe post-pandemic problem. In addition, the closing of businesses led to a dramatic shift in the available food... View Article

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