Mice Pest Control

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    Mice pest control is a crucial aspect of maintaining homes and businesses in New Zealand. These small rodents, such as the common house mouse, can cause significant harm and lead to various problems if not addressed promptly.

    The presence of mice can lead to an infestation that poses a threat to the structural integrity of buildings. Mice have a habit of chewing through materials, including wood and electrical wiring. This behaviour can lead to costly damages and even pose a fire hazard. Additionally, these pests can contaminate food sources, posing health risks to occupants.

    Proper mice pest control is essential to prevent a full-blown infestation. It involves various methods and techniques to eliminate and prevent these pests from proliferating. Some measures include sealing entry points, such as cracks or holes, to prevent their access into buildings. Traps and baits can also be utilized to capture and exterminate mice effectively.

    Failing to implement adequate pest control measures can have significant consequences. Not only can the health and safety of occupants be at risk, but the potential damages to property can be extensive, resulting in expensive repairs and renovations.

    By recognizing the risks and damages associated with these pests, and implementing appropriate mice pest control measures, individuals can safeguard their properties and ensure the well-being of occupants.

    Mice Pest Control New Zealand

    How to Identify Mice

    Mice are small rodents that can often find their way into our homes and become a nuisance. They are primarily active during the night, which can make it difficult to spot them. However, there are some specific characteristics and behaviours that can help you identify whether you have a mouse infestation.

    One of the key characteristics of mice is their small size. They have a slender body with a pointed snout and large ears. Their fur colour can vary from light brown to greyish-black, depending on the species.

    Mice are also known for their quick movements. They are agile climbers and can jump vertically up to 30 cm. You may notice droppings scattered around your home, which are a clear indication of their presence. Mouse droppings are small and pellet-like, often resembling dark grains of rice.

    Additionally, mice have a distinct habit of gnawing on various materials to file down their constantly growing teeth. Look for gnaw marks on items such as electrical wires, furniture, and even plastic containers.

    Mice are known to be nocturnal creatures and are most active during the night. If you hear scratching sounds or tiny squeaks coming from walls or ceilings during the evening or night hours, it could be a sign of mice activity. Another common sign is finding shredded paper or fabric as they use these materials for nesting.

    Early identification is crucial for taking prompt action to prevent an infestation from worsening.

    Preventative Measures for Mice

    To deter mice from entering your home or business, it is crucial to implement preventative measures that address access points and create an unattractive environment for these pests. By taking action early on, you can minimize the risk of infestation and the associated damage they cause.

    First and foremost, it is essential to identify and seal all potential access points. Mice can squeeze through tiny openings, so inspect your property thoroughly for gaps in windows, doors, walls, and utility lines. Seal these entry points using caulk or steel wool, as mice cannot chew through these materials. Pay special attention to areas where pipes or wires enter your building, as these are common entry points.

    Additionally, maintaining a clean and unattractive environment is vital. Regularly remove food and water sources, making sure to store food in airtight containers and promptly clean up any spills or crumbs. Keep garbage cans tightly sealed and dispose of waste regularly. Declutter your space, as mice are attracted to piles of clutter that provide shelter. Trim tree branches and shrubs away from your building to prevent easy access for mice.

    By sealing access points and creating an unattractive environment, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a mouse infestation. Remember to conduct regular inspections and to promptly address any potential entry points.

    How Mice Are Treated

    When it comes to dealing with pesky mice, Flick Pest Control takes a thorough approach to ensure effective treatment. The first step in the process is to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the premises. This inspection allows our pest control technicians to identify the entry points that the mice are using to access the property. By carefully assessing these entry points, the technicians can develop a tailored plan to eradicate the infestation.

    Once the inspection is complete and the entry points have been identified, our mice pest control experts will determine the most appropriate eradication methods to employ. Flick Pest Control offers a range of options, including bait and traps, depending on the severity of the infestation and the specific needs of the client. Bait can be strategically placed to attract the mice and eliminate them, while traps provide a physical means of capturing and removing the rodents.

    By combining the knowledge gained during the inspection with targeted eradication methods such as bait or traps, Flick Pest Control ensures that mice are effectively treated. This comprehensive approach not only removes the immediate threat of mice but also helps in preventing future infestations by addressing the entry points where the rodents gain access. When it comes to dealing with mice, you can trust Flick Pest Control to deliver a solution that is tailored to your specific needs.

    Commercial Pest Solutions

    Integrated Pest Management Solutions

    Our Integrated Pest Management program uses the latest technology focusing on prevention and addressing the root of the causes of pest problems to ensure a pest free environment for commercial workplaces and facilities. Our solutions are tailored to proactively prevent and help mitigate the impact and risk of a pest infestation. We combine tailored multi-faceted solutions with our latest digital pest technology supported by our highly regulated experienced team of technicians to bring you the best in pest control. Let us create a customised plan for your workplace today.

    SMART Digital Pest Control

    Our SMART Pest Control is a user-friendly digital pest control system that monitors your business by automatically detecting rodents, cockroaches, and moths. SMART technology will continuously monitor rodent activities. When activity is detected, the technology reacts immediately, records it, and generates a report while capturing rats safely and sustainably. For comprehensive, integrated protection against all significant pests, combine SMART automation with our standard pest control services.

    Common Mouse Questions

    1. How do I know if I have mice in my home?

      Signs of mice infestation include droppings, gnawed items, scratching noises, and musky odours.

    2. Are mice dangerous?

      Mice can transmit diseases like Hantavirus, Salmonellosis, and Leptospirosis. They can also contaminate food, cause damage to property, and even start electrical fires by gnawing on wires.

    3. How can I prevent mice from entering my home?

      Sealing all potential entry points, such as cracks or holes in walls, windows, and doors, is crucial. Maintaining cleanliness, storing food properly, and regularly inspecting and cleaning out potential nesting areas will deter mice.

    4. What are effective methods to control mice?

      Popular methods include traps, both snap and live, using poison baits, and employing professional pest control services.

    5. How often should I check traps?

      To ensure effectiveness, traps should be checked daily, removing any trapped mice promptly and resetting traps as required.

    Common Mouse Species

    House Mouse


    House mice are small rodents with a pointed snout, round ears, and a long, scaly tail. They have a brownish-grey fur and can grow up to 7 inches in length, including their tail.


    The significance of house mice as pests lies in their ability to cause damage to wiring, pipework, and buildings. They often gnaw on electrical wires, which can lead to short circuits and potentially cause fires. Also, they can chew through plastic or metal pipes, leading to leaks and water damage. In buildings, these mice can burrow into walls, ceilings, and floors, causing structural damage.


    During autumn and winter, mice have a strong incentive to enter buildings. As the weather gets colder, their natural food supplies become scarce, prompting them to seek shelter and food within homes and other structures. This search for warmth and sustenance can result in various harmful consequences.

    I found Mice! Help!

    Don't worry, we're here to help. Follow these steps to stay safe until help arrives!

    • Call a Professional

      Call Flick Pest Control Immediately.

      If you encounter mice in your home or business, you may be dealing with an infestation. Don’t wait until the problem gets out of hand – we can help protect your property and ensure the health and safety of those around you. Fill out the form below or call 0800 710 010 today.

    • Leave the Mice Alone

      Trust Flick Pest Control to handle the situation

      Our pest control technicians have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to effectively and safely eliminate pests from your home or business. Attempting to treat mice on your own can be risky and may not fully eradicate the problem.

      We will and ensure a safe and effective outcome for your property.

    • There May be More!

      Don’t Go Looking Around!

      Flick’s pest control experts will perform a thorough inspection of the property to identify any areas where mice may be present, followed by the development of a treatment plan tailored to the specific needs of the situation. By implementing effective pest control strategies, we can help ensure a pest-free environment for you.

    Book A Service Now

    Book us for an inspection today and safeguard your home!