With restaurants and salon doors being closed for so long, you may have unwelcome visitors lingering. As doors finally reopen, have constant bug-free confidence that your business is protected from moths and cockroaches using our 2-in-1 SMART Sense system.
Pests are a severe post-pandemic problem. In addition, the closing of businesses led to a dramatic shift in the available food supply for certain types of pests, including bugs. As a result, you may have a pest problem, even if your business has never previously had to deal with pests.
How do you know if pests have moved in? It can be surprisingly difficult to detect some pests. For example, moths and cockroaches can destroy your food supplies, contaminate your building with waste, and multiply rapidly while still leaving little to no sign of their presence. That is why we suggest a thorough inspection for any business that is planning a reopening.
Of course, you can start by doing your own inspection. First, you want to look for visible pest damage. Chew marks, destroyed items, dead pests, feces and nests are all signs that you have pests, even if you cannot see them directly.
Do not let a lack of visual evidence convince you that you are pest-free. Many pests live in dark, damp, hard-to-reach places and only emerge at night. You could have a serious pest problem and not see the evidence until it is too late. Our technicians know where to look to find these hidden pests.
This is a Hands-free Approach to Stay Bug-Free Year-Round
Installing a Flick SMART system is a great way to help you keep on top of any potential pest problems. The SMART system combines state-of-the-art detection with environmentally friendly elimination to provide business owners with the ultimate pest control system. It keeps your premises pest-free without the time, expense, or gross factor of many traditional pest elimination systems.
The SMART system starts with installation. First, our Flick team comes to your premises and assesses whether there is an existing pest problem and the extent of that problem. Using that information, they install SMART monitors and traps in locations where pests are likely. Then, we monitor your system 24/7. This constant monitoring allows us to respond in real-time to changing pest patterns, ensuring complete elimination. Other methods could allow pests to shift locations without a significant decline in their population.
We use local food sources and non-toxic attractants to get pests to our euthanasia stations. This environmentally friendly alternative does not pose a hazard to people in your business or create the ecological challenges of traditional poison bait stations. As doors finally reopen, place confidence in your business using our 2-in-1 SMART Sense system.
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