Pest Control for Your Car
April 4, 2022 12:00 am
Have you been struggling with pests in your car? People do not talk about pest problems in their automobiles, but cars and trucks target insects, arachnids, and rodents. Getting rid of them can be challenging. It can be difficult to get to hidden areas in your car, where pests can hide. You may also worry about using some pesticides in... View Article
Is Pest Control Safe for My Pets and Family?
March 30, 2022 12:00 am
One of the top concerns we hear from clients is that getting pest control services will put their family in danger. People worry that insecticides will harm them, their children, and even their pets. These worries are reasonable. Decades ago, pesticides were often over-concentrated, which could lead to incidental poisoning of pets and even children. Even today, some places use... View Article
Protect Your Guests From Bed Bugs
March 15, 2022 12:00 am
If you run a hotel or vacation rental, the last thing you want is a bed bug infestation. Even a single incident of bed bugs can make your ratings plummet, causing you to lose guests and money. However, with people and their things coming in and out of your property all the time, it can seem impossible to prevent bed... View Article
Why SMART Is Better than Traditional Pest Control
March 9, 2022 12:00 am
Are you looking for a total pest control solution for your business? Flick’s SMART Pest Control system offers advantages that traditional pest control cannot match. Those advantages mean more effective pest control, helping prevent problems, and reducing your risk from pest contamination. Constant Monitoring Our SMART system offers 24/7 monitoring. That means that SMART sees pests you do not see.... View Article
How do I get rid of borers in my house?
March 7, 2022 12:00 am
Wood borers cause structural damage to houses across Christchurch and is a problem in older timber houses across Canterbury. If you suspect borer activity, call the professionals ASAP. Why do borers invade homes in Christchurch? The most common type of Borer in Christchurch is the common house borer. Many houses built before 1965 contain untreated timber. In some areas of... View Article
How do I get rid of cockroaches in my house?
March 3, 2022 12:00 am
The German and American cockroach are found throughout Christchurch, from New Brighton to Yaldhurst, Belfast to Halswell. They are notoriously hard to eradicate without professional help. Why do cockroaches invade homes in Christchurch? There are 15 native cockroach species in Aotearoa, including the wingless bush cockroach that lives under logs and in leaf litter. But it’s the introduced species that... View Article
Huntsman spiders are scary, but are they dangerous?
February 16, 2022 12:00 am
That is one of the top questions we get from our residential pest control customers. The answer depends on what you mean by dangerous. Is a huntsman spider’s bite life-threatening? No. Huntsman spiders are not deadly to humans. However, it would be a mistake to assume that not being life-threatening means that huntsman spiders are safe. Huntsman spiders are not... View Article
How SMART Can Help Prevent Cockroach Infestations?
February 8, 2022 12:00 am
Preventing a cockroach infestation can be tricky. Cockroaches hide in dark, moist spots and may leave few visible signs of infestations. By the time you spot dead or alive cockroaches, cockroach droppings, or cockroach eggs, you may already have a pretty big cockroach problem. Instead of waiting till you have an infestation to fight your cockroach problem, you should get... View Article
How to Control Ants Around Your Home and Business
February 2, 2022 12:00 am
Ants are fascinating animals. Ants make up 20% of the biomass on the planet. Except for Antarctica, every continent has its own native species of ant. There are approximately 1,000,000 ants for every human on the planet. Ants are super-strong able to carry 10 to 50 times their own body weight. Ants may seem like simple insects, but they can... View Article
Top Five Cockroach Hiding Places in Your Home or Business
January 31, 2022 12:00 am
Cockroach hiding places are hard to spot since they are nocturnal animals who will avoid light and people, you can have a cockroach infestation and not even know! They not only live in the dark, but they also prefer to feed in the dark. If they can find food in dark and moist places, they may never leave them. That... View Article