Pressrelease 2015-12-15
CimexLAB, located in Barcelona, will investigate and analyse the behaviour of bedbugs in order to develop new treatment methods that are more effective, safer and environmentally friendly. Bedbugs are a pest problem that have increased the most in recent years with a high impact on both society and public health.
Anticimex, an international leader in pest control, has launched CimexLAB, the first private bedbug research laboratory in Spain. Problems relating to bedbugs have increased by almost 100% over the last five years, according to the National Association of Pest Control in Spain (ANECPLA). The research will focus on creating a deeper understanding of both the biology and behaviour of these insects, in their different stages of growth – from egg to nymph and to adult. The aim is to develop treatments against bedbugs that are more effective, safer and environmentally friendly.
With this laboratory, we will not only be able to develop new pest control treatments but also to improve upon existing methods with the aim of reducing the use of synthetic chemical products” says Jordi Tapias, Technical Director at Anticimex Spain. He also adds, that ” the research will be managed by highly qualified staff that have the biological knowledge necessary to ensure that the tests are carried out in a completely safe manner’. Bedbugs – a social problem Bedbugs are an increasing social and public health problem due to the complexity of their biology and behaviour. Through increased tourism and the transit of goods and infested baggage, it has become easier for bedbugs to spread from place to place. In addition, unprofessional treatment methods and the resistance level against insecticides that bedbugs have developed are some of the reasons that have favoured their expansion in recent years. ‘Traditionally, chemicals have been used to treat bedbugs, which has undoubtedly led to an increase in their resistance to insecticides. This fact, along with their substantial increase in numbers makes it more necessary than ever to study their behaviour.
It is important to find and develop environmentally friendly methods that are not only effective but also not harmful to humans when they are applied, for example, in hotels and private homes” said Tapias. Bedbugs are a species that feed only on blood drawn through their bites. They have not been found to transmit diseases but instead cause allergic reactions that generate discomforts, such as itching and redness. Present in all regions, the demand for services for prevention and control have increased, especially in communities with greater tourist activity. However, anywhere people are coming and going, especially with luggage, are common contamination points. In addition, they also reproduce and spread quickly through the interior of all types of properties, a fact that can also lead to stress and psychological issues for those suffering the consequences.